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Call for Special Interest Groups: Diving deep into current challenges.

This picture shows examples of possible Special Interest Groups at EACLIPT, on the topics of Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Sustainability in Clinical Psychology, and Young Members within EACLIPT
Examples of possible EACLIPT SIGs. If you would like to start and lead a Special Interest Group at EACLIPT, please follow the guidelines below.

EACLIPT is a member-run organization - and we would like to increase the participation of our members on central processes of our mission-driven activities, such as developing policy suggestions, writing reports, and campaigning for important issues in Clinical Psychology and Psychological Treatments across Europe, even more.

That's why it is now possible to create Special Interest Groups (SIGs) within EACLIPT. SIGs are intended to provide a platform for like-minded professionals to exchange ideas, discuss possible solutions, and move into action on current challenges and specific issues in our field. Members of SIGs will be able to use EACLIPTs vast European network and submit reports to the Board, which will also be published on the EACLIPT website.

"The challenges we are facing today are complex and diverse. We invite all EACLIPT members to contribute to the topics and issues that are closest to their heart!"

Prof. Dr. Chantal Martin-Sölch, President of EACLIPT

If you would like to start a Special Interest Group on a topic that is close to your heart and is in line with EACLIPTs mission, we cordially invite you to submit an application to establish a SIG anytime. The EACLIPT Board will review and consider all application. Interested members who would like to join an existing SIG can do so through the new EACLIPT member portal, where space for discussion, sharing of media, meeting links, and working documents is provided.

Procedure for establishing an EACLIPT Special Interest Group

For the establishment of a new EACLIPT SIG, it requires,
  1. At least 3 founding members (EACLIPT members) coming from at least 2 different countries

  2. A written application (maximum 2 pages, ideally 1 page) containing the following information:

    1. Name of the SIG

    2. Contact details of each founding member

    3. Statement from SIG:

    4. Declaration of Intent

    5. Objectives and topics

    6. Proposed activities

    7. Description of why and how the SIG can be useful for EACLIPT and its members

  3. A yearly brief report about the activities of the SIG of the current year should be sent to the EACLIPT Board until January 31rst of the followin

Interested in starting a SIG? Please send an email with the required information or your questions to - we are looking forward to receiving your submissions!

p.s.: If you haven't paid your EACLIPT Membership Contribution 2023 yet, you can now sign up for convenient automatic invoicing. Just go to and login with your existing EACLIPT account. If you have not set a password for your account yet, receive a reset link by clicking "Forgot password". After registering once, your Membership Contribution will be automatically invoiced once a year.

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